Zero to one hundred planting watermelons

Watermelon planting training can be very useful for farmers who are just starting out, or for those who want to try it even once.

By obtaining complete information, you can achieve significant success in the field of agriculture and create entrepreneurship.

In this article, we have tried to check all the points you need in this direction and explain them in a good way.

In addition to stating the stages and steps of planting this product, we will also fully introduce the fertilizer and by-products that can be important for production.

The best conditions for planting watermelon

To plant this plant, you must know the conditions and components needed for planting and growing it before you learn how to plant watermelon.

In this way, you can provide the best space for the growth of this product and finally get better results.


The best temperature is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower than 20 degrees, the yield of the plant will decrease, and if the temperature is higher than 30 degrees, the growth of the plant will be slower.


reas that have a lot of sunlight are more suitable options for planting watermelons. For example, Khuzestan is a much better option than Rasht.


The required humidity is between 60 and 80%. If the amount of moisture exceeds this limit, the possibility of the plant suffering from fungal diseases and… is also provided.

Soil type

The most important component is the soil in which the seeds are planted. The best soil can be loamy and fertile soil with proper drainage, of course, we have enriched it with shock phosphorus and sulfur or any other reputable brand.

Step by step watermelon planting training

In this part, we will discuss how to plant watermelon step by step. If you do not have complete information in this field, be sure to read these steps carefully and then start doing the work.

In any part of the work where you need to ask questions, it is better to go to the experts of this profession and ask them for answers to your questions and problems.

In order to be able to see its fruits after planting this product, you must wait one year because this plant is one of the annual plants.

In addition to patience, you need fertile soil, plenty of water, mild weather, and sunlight. Each of these things can have a huge impact on the work result.

The first stage: preparation of the cultivated land

The first step is to start by preparing the land where this fruit is going to be planted. Fall and deep plowing is very vital for planting. The reason for the need for this plow is related to the deep and two-meter roots of this plant.

The type of soil that is supposed to exist in the cultivated land, it is better to consider clay, loam and sandy soil models.

In addition to plowing the soil, you must also drain it well. When the plant growth season begins, it is better to enrich the ground with nitrogen, sulfur and shock phosphorus fertilizers so that the growth process starts well from the beginning. Ten X shock fertilizer for watermelon is one of the most complete agricultural fertilizers that we suggest you read.

The second step: stacking

In the method of planting watermelons, you will learn that when the agricultural land is well plowed and its drainages are done, it is time to create many ridges and different streams.

You can either use tractors or hand shovels to build piles and ditches. According to the area of ​​the land and the space you have, you can set the distance between the stacks between 60 cm and 1. Consider 8 meters.

Some people think that stacking is a useless process and just a waste of time. This is completely wrong because stacking can be beneficial in several ways.

First of all, this gives the plant and its roots a chance to breathe and can remove excess moisture from the soil. Secondly, with this work, you can prevent the occurrence of diseases related to high soil moisture.

The third stage: planting seeds and seedlings in the soil

Now it’s time for the main stage of watermelon planting training, which is related to planting seeds and seedlings in the soil. You can use two direct and indirect methods to plant seeds.

Often, the indirect method is more suitable for environments and cities that have a lower temperature and until the planting season, their temperature is not suitable for watermelon seedlings.

In this method, the seed of the plant is planted in a greenhouse after the last frost and transferred to the ground a few weeks later when the planting season arrives.

But if you prefer to use the direct method, it is better to make a 3 cm deep hole in the ground after the last frost that happens every year.

Place 3 or 4 seeds in each hole you make and cover them with soil. Press the soil with your hands so that the soil particles stick together and the moisture around the seeds does not evaporate.

Fourth step: care during planting

In the next step, the method of planting watermelon and after planting seedlings and seeds in the ground, it is time to take care of the period of planting until harvest.

Fifth step: watering the seeds

The first one is related to watering the seeds and seedlings after planting them. Their germination can take about one week to ten days.

During this time, soil moisture must be maintained. For this reason, we need to water the buds once a day. Pay attention not to flood the soil, because in this case you will take the chance of breathing from the seeds and sprouts.

The sixth step: mulching

The mulching stage, which is usually used in the best method of planting watermelons around the world, is related to the time when the seeds have grown, germinated, and now the plant has reached 10 cm in height.

By sprinkling mulch on the soil, you can reduce the temperature of the soil and prevent weeds from growing in these areas.

The seventh step: watering the plant

You should do this step when the watermelons have grown and bloomed. Once you see the blossoms, you don’t need to water the plant every day; Rather, it is better to reduce the number of watering times to once every 3 days. Of course, there is an exception in this.

If you notice that the plant and soil are drying in the summer season, you can increase the frequency of watering once every two days or even every day. In fact, the soil should not lose its moisture.

One of the techniques related to watering the plant, which can have an effect on making it sweeter, is to reduce the number of times the plant is watered when it is close to the harvest time.

However, if you see the leaves of the plant wilting, it is better to repeat the watering in the same way as before. Another point is that when watering the land where you have planted watermelon, you should keep the leaves of the plant dry.

Watermelon harvest

At this stage, it is time to harvest the product. Harvesting in ideal conditions usually occurs 4 months after planting the seeds in the ground.

In the watermelon planting tutorial, it is always explained that by examining 5 features, you can find out whether it is time to harvest the watermelons you have planted or not.

Change in skin color

The skin of the watermelon changes to a dark green color and the strips on it become a bit dry.

loud voice

When you hit the product, you will notice a loud sound. This sound is related to the fact that the watermelon is full of water and ready to be harvested.

Size and weight

When the product does not increase in weight and size anymore, it means that it has reached its full growth and you can harvest it.

Dried branches

When the branches around the crop dry up, it indicates that it is time to harvest.

Softness and roughness of the skin

Few people know this test method. But when you touch the watermelon skin, the skin should be soft, if the skin of the fruit is still hard and bruised, it is better to know that the harvest season has not yet arrived.


Learning how to plant watermelon is not something you want to do without knowledge and awareness. This work definitely requires a high level of awareness in addition to the need for tools and equipment.

During this article, we tried to provide you with this amount of knowledge. For this reason, it is better if you are looking to start such a business for any reason, whether for fun or for business reasons, be sure to consider all these points.


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