Zero to 100 Ten X shock fertilizers for citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, oranges and limes are popular fruits. Increasing the quality of fruit is not only the concern of farmers, but customers are also looking for tasty and high-quality fruits.

In order to increase the quality and harvest of citrus fruits, it is very important to meet the fertilizer needs of citrus trees for more flowering and harvesting of healthier fruits. Fertilizers for citrus fruits, including 1X Shock fertilizer, are a good source of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.

Ten X Shock fertilizer is the best fertilizer for citrus fruits

Citrus trees, including oranges, sweet lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits, like other plants, need three main nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 10x shock fertilizer for citrus fruits is a rich source of the mentioned elements and helps a lot in the healthy growth and supply of these nutrients for citrus fruits.

In addition to macronutrients, fruit trees also need micronutrients such as manganese, zinc, iron, copper and boron. The amount of micronutrient elements in the soil is low, and for this purpose, special organic fertilizers for citrus fruits, such as Ten X Shock fertilizer, should be used to compensate for these deficiencies.

A balance between macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, S and Mg) and micronutrients produces healthy trees and tasty citrus fruits.

In addition to meeting the nutritional needs of citrus fruits, the use of 10x shock fertilizer for citrus fruits helps to improve and improve the soil and increase the resistance of citrus trees against bad weather conditions, diseases and pests.

How to use Ten X Shock fertilizer for citrus fruits

10x shock fertilizer for citrus fruits is in liquid form and can be used for citrus fruits in two ways: foliar spraying and irrigation. Always follow the directions on the label of your chosen fertilizer. In the following, we will learn more about the two methods of using 10x shock fertilizer for citrus fruits.

Use of 10x shock fertilizer for citrus fruits by irrigation method

Liquid fertilizer is usually used in the fruiting stage of the fruit tree. In the method of watering with 1X shock citrus fertilizer, you must first combine the right amount of fertilizer with chlorine-free water and after reaching the right concentration, pour it directly when watering the citrus tree or use pressurized irrigation systems.

Use of Ten X Shock fertilizer for citrus fruits by foliar spraying method

Based on the instructions on the fertilizer package, first combine the right amount of fertilizer with water and do the foliar spraying operation using special devices.

When applying 10 X shock citrus fertilizer by foliar application, make sure that all plant surfaces are well covered with the solution. In this method, the nutritional elements of 10x shock fertilizer are absorbed by the plant through the surface of the leaves of the trees.

One of the things you should pay attention to in the foliar application method is that the surfaces will be stained, so avoid contact of the fertilizer with your hands, clothes, containers and nearby surfaces.

The best time to use shock 10x fertilizer for citrus

 By knowing the correct times of citrus fertilization, we will see an increase in the growth and fruiting of citrus trees. In general, you should fertilize citrus trees once a month or every two months during the growing season.

Some agricultural experts recommend that citrus fruits should be fertilized three times a year, and the most important nutrient for citrus fruits is nitrogen. Other nutrients needed by citrus trees include iron, zinc, and manganese, all of which are micronutrients.

Since citrus fruits need to be fertilized 3 times a year, the timing of using 10X Shock fertilizer is important for citrus fruits. The first time is in winter, the second stage of fertilization is in late spring and the last stage is in late summer.

One of the best times to use 10 X shock citrus fertilizer is in the early budding stage, the use of fertilizer at this time increases the trees’ resistance to damage and pests, and the plant’s health is guaranteed during the growth period.

Another recommended time to use shock fertilizer is before the period of maturity and harvest of citrus fruits. Fertilization during this period increases the growth and quality of citrus fruits.

The amount of fertilizer used is 10 x Shock for citrus fruits

 Depending on the method of fertilization, the type of citrus tree, the type of soil and weather conditions, the amount of fertilizer used varies by 10x. Experts recommend mixing 5 liters of fertilizer with chlorine-free water for irrigation and using it for each hectare of citrus orchards.

In the method of foliar spraying with Ten X Shock fertilizer, mix 2 liters of fertilizer with 1000 liters of water for each hectare of citrus orchard and do the foliar spraying using special devices. Note that the amount of shock fertilizer used for oranges and oranges may be different. Therefore, be sure to consult an agricultural expert before carrying out fertilization operations.

The benefits of using Ten X Shock fertilizer for citrus fruits

 This fertilizer is a rich source of macronutrients and micronutrients for citrus fruits and has a great impact on the yield and quality of citrus fruits, including tangerines, oranges, and oranges. Among the benefits of using Ten X Shock fertilizer for oranges and other citrus fruits, the following can be mentioned:

  • Increasing citrus tonnage per hectare by providing nutrients and needs of citrus trees;
  • improving the quality of citrus fruits;
  • increasing the resistance of citrus trees and fruits against pests and diseases;
  • Improving and modifying soil quality and physical and chemical properties of soil by using organic substances in fertilizer such as humic acid;
  • Dex Shock fertilizer for citrus fruits is rich in iron, and the presence of iron is necessary for the formation of sugar in citrus fruit and making it tasty.
  • Improving the process of photosynthesis and increasing the greenness and freshness of citrus trees;
  • Preventing the growth of weeds in citrus orchards and storing the energy of plants;
  • high solubility and convenient use with other fertilizers;
  • It is rich in organic substances such as folic acid, amino acid and seaweed extract. The presence of amino acid increases the resistance of the plant against the stresses and strains of the citrus tree.
  • Shock 10x fertilizer is a rich source of phosphorus and helps the growth of citrus tree roots and increases the absorption of nutrients in the soil through the roots.

The benefits of using 10x shock fertilizer for citrus fruits are not limited to the above, and shock fertilizer is an economical and efficient way to improve the growth and quality of citrus fruits and increase harvest and profitability.


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