Ten X shock fertilizer for pistachios

Fortunately, today, with the advancement of technology and the specialization of agriculture, there are various fertilizers for pistachios available in the market, but the 10 X shock fertilizer for pistachios, with its unique characteristics, is considered one of the best fertilizers for pistachio trees, and it helps fill pistachio kernels, tree health and repair Soil helps a lot.

What is the best liquid fertilizer for pistachio trees?

Pistachio seedlings need 5 years to bear fruit. In the first years, pistachio tree productivity is low and it takes 10 to 12 years for pistachio trees to reach economic productivity.

At this time, it is necessary to use the best fertilizers and nutrients according to a regular schedule to fill the pistachio core and strengthen the pistachio seedlings.

The best fertilizer for pistachios is a fertilizer that is rich in macronutrients phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and micronutrients iron and boron.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the pistachio plant, pistachio fertilizer should play an effective role in establishing the balance of elements in the soil and plant to provide the ability to absorb food elements and micronutrients through the roots and leaves.

10 X shock fertilizer, the best fertilizer for pistachios, with all these features, is not dangerous for the environment and is easy to use.

This complete fertilizer contains ten important compounds that have a great effect in feeding pistachio trees and is considered a good source of nutritional elements and organic matter. In the following, we will learn how to use Ten X Shock fertilizer for pistachios.

How to use Ten X Shock fertilizer for pistachios

Before fertilizing pistachios, it is necessary to test the soil in order to know the deficiencies of the soil and choose the best fertilizer with the right ingredients.

By performing this test, you will get information about soil texture, soil pH, salinity and soil saturation percentage. This test should be done every year at a certain time.

The method of using 10x shock fertilizer, the best fertilizer for filling pistachio kernels, is in two forms of foliar spraying and irrigation, which we will learn about each of these methods below.

The method of foliar application of ten X fertilizer for pistachios

In the foliar spraying method, you must first combine the appropriate amount of liquid fertilizer with chlorine-free water to achieve the desired concentration.

If this ratio is not correct, the roots and leaves of the pistachio trees will get burnt. In the foliar spraying method, by using special devices such as spraying tankers, you should completely cover the leaves and branches of the pistachio tree with fertilizer.

Nutrients in pistachio fertilizer are absorbed by the plant through the openings of pistachio leaves. Keep in mind that if the pistachio trees suffer from nutritional deficiency, you should prioritize the foliar spraying method.

Irrigation method of ten X fertilizer for pistachio

In the irrigation method, you must first dilute a suitable amount of fertilizer with water and pour it directly into the shade of the tree manually or use irrigation systems to fertilize.

In both methods, pistachio fertilizer is absorbed through the roots of the trees and transported to all organs with the help of the plant’s vessels.

The amount of fertilizer used is 10 x shock for pistachios

Depending on the fertilizing method, the amount of 10 X shock fertilizer for pistachio in irrigation and foliar spraying methods is different. In the irrigation method, to fertilize each hectare of pistachio fields, you should mix 5 liters of fertilizer with an appropriate amount of chlorine-free water and perform the fertilization operation.

In the method of foliar spraying with 10 X shock fertilizer, for each hectare of pistachio orchards, mix 2 liters of fertilizer with 1000 liters of water and spray on pistachio trees using special devices.

10x shock fertilizer application time for pistachios

Fertilizing at the right time provides proper nutrition to the pistachio plant during the growth and fruiting period and helps to fill the pistachio kernel.

The best time to use 10x shock fertilizer for pistachio varies depending on the plant’s needs. Experts recommend to use fertilizer for pistachio tree several times during the growth period according to periodic fertilization schedule.

The benefits of using Ten X Shock fertilizer for pistachios

Ten X Shock fertilizer is a rich source of macronutrients and micronutrients and is the best fertilizer for pistachio trees. By using this fertilizer for pistachio shrubs, you will see the growing growth and filling of pistachio kernels during the harvest stage. Other benefits of using 10X fertilizer for pistachios include the following:

  • Supplying pistachio nutrients at the right time and in the right amount;
  • Easy to use with two methods of irrigation and foliar spraying;
  • can be used in all periods of pistachio tree growth;
  • high solubility;
  • Increasing soil fertility and modifying and improving pistachio soil texture;
  • increasing the resistance of pistachio trees against tense and stressful conditions such as heat, cold and soil salinity;
  • increasing pistachio defense power against diseases and pests;
  • can be used together with other fertilizers;
  • preventing the growth of weeds around pistachio trees;
  • Thickening of the trunk and branches of pistachio trees;
  • No need to use other fertilizers;
  • increasing pistachio tonnage per hectare;
  • pistachio filling;
  • Reasonable and affordable price;

final word

The pistachio tree is one of the most profitable trees for farmers, so it should have a proper nutritional program and use fertilizer for the pistachio tree that will meet the nutritional needs of this popular nut and be economical for the farmers as well. For more information about shock fertilizer ,refer to the related article .

10X shock fertilizer for pistachio is a convenient and economical option for you, dear farmers, which can be used in two ways, irrigation and foliar spraying, and when using 10X shock fertilizer for pistachio, it should be fertilized several times during the growing season.


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