Complete introduction of Ten X Shock fertilizer for walnuts

Correct and timely fertilization of walnut trees, both during growth and during fruiting, can increase productivity and make walnut kernels full and tasty.

Walnut farmers have always been concerned about choosing the best fertilizer for walnuts. Fertilizer that, in addition to meeting the nutritional needs of trees and improving the quality of the soil, prevents frost and the attack of pests and diseases.

In this article, we are going to get to know the best fertilizer for walnuts, i.e. 10x shock fertilizer for walnuts, and comprehensive information about how to use 10x shock fertilizer for walnuts, when to use it, how much to use, and the benefits of using 10x shock fertilizer for walnut trees. to achieve

Ten X Shock, the best fertilizer for walnut trees

The walnut tree needs special nutrients for growth and fertility. A part of these nutrients is provided through the soil, but to provide another important part of the nutritive needs of walnut trees, it is necessary to use a complete fertilizer that is rich in micronutrients and macronutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus.

Dex Shock fertilizer for walnuts is a complete fertilizer that can be used in two ways: irrigation and foliar spraying. This fertilizer contains large amounts of humic acid, seaweed extract, and amino acids, which completely solves the deficiencies of walnut trees and helps a lot in growth and fertility.

Shock 10x complete fertilizer can be used for walnuts in all periods of tree growth and there is no need to use other fertilizers

How to use Ten X Shock fertilizer for walnuts

Using two methods, walnut trees can be fertilized with Ten X Shock fertilizer. In the first method, which is called foliar spraying method, it is necessary to first mix some fertilizer with water and spray the solution on the leaves and stems of walnut trees using special foliar spraying devices so that all parts are well covered with the solution.

In another method of using 10x shock fertilizer for walnuts, which is called the irrigation method, you can combine the fertilizer with a suitable percentage of water and perform the fertilization operation through the irrigation system, or directly pour it along with irrigation to the shade area of ​​the tree.

The amount of fertilizer used is 10 x shock for walnut

To determine the appropriate and basic amount of 10x Shock fertilizer for walnuts, you must first see which fertilization method you choose. In the irrigation method, you should use 5 liters of fertilizer along with special irrigation water that does not contain chlorine for one hectare of land.

In the foliar spraying method of walnut trees, it is necessary to dissolve 2 liters of fertilizer in 1000 liters of water and spray it on one hectare of walnut orchards.

10x shock fertilizer application time for walnuts

Fortunately, this fertilizer can be used at all times when the tree needs feeding. But according to the advice of experts, the best time to use 10x shock fertilizer for walnuts is from the beginning of the growth period and before harvesting walnuts. During the growth period of the walnut tree, it is better to fertilize the tree several times to feed it more and better.

The benefits of using Ten X Shock fertilizer for walnuts

Using this complete fertilizer for walnut trees, in addition to increasing the growth of walnut trees and the filling of walnut kernels, has other benefits, which we will discuss further.

  • Complete nutritional and mineral needs of walnut trees;
  • Multiplying the productivity of trees and increasing the tonnage per hectare;
  • Modifying and improving soil structure and increasing soil fertility;
  • stopping the growth of weeds around walnut trees;
  • improving the process of photosynthesis and increasing the greenness and vitality of plants;
  • increasing the resistance of walnut trees against stressful conditions such as frost, heatstroke and pests;
  • making the farmer unnecessary to use other fertilizers and the result of reducing the economic costs of walnut farmers;


Walnut trees are very profitable crops for farmers if they are fed properly. In addition to basic irrigation and providing a suitable soil substrate, it is necessary to use a high-yielding fertilizer for walnut trees in all periods of plant growth.

10 X Shock fertilizer for walnuts is rich in macronutrients and micronutrients and meets all nutritional needs of walnut trees. 

By learning how to use 10x fertilizer for walnuts and using it in the right amount and time, benefit from the benefits of 10x shock fertilizer for walnuts and achieve maximum profit.


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